If you are not a current consumer, please check our NEW CONSUMERS page to learn how to apply for vocational rehabilitation services
Spirit Lake VR pays for expenses that are NECESSARY AND REASONABLE to get or keep a job.
Services we may provide include:
- Counseling to help you decide on a vocational goal, decide what services you need and adjust to work or school demands
- Vehicle repair IF you are working or attending classes on site. VR limits per IPE
- Computers if you are taking classes at home. You must be working toward a degree or certificate and in school for at least one semester
- Gas for attending classes
- Gas for going to work, only until the first paycheck
- Gas for job search – once every 3 months
- Clothes for work, to conform to dress code of employer or school
- Books, tools or supplies not funded through scholarships or Pell grants
- Relocation for a job or transfer to a four-year school
Services are INDIVIDUALIZED. What one person needs to reach their job goal is not the same as what someone else may need.
If you are only taking classes online, you won’t need vehicle repair or gas to get to your class. It is not necessary .
If you are working at the marina as a cashier, you might need a car to get to work so vehicle repair would be a necessary expense, but you would not need a computer.
Your counselor is here to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us!
- Have trouble getting to work or school? Call your counselor.
- Need tools, supplies, services to continue working? Call your counselor
- Frustrated with co-workers or employees at work or school? Call your counselor.
Keep in touch!
If we don’t hear from you in 90 days we’ll send you a letter asking you to contact us
After another 30 days, we’ll close your case.