No consumer files should be brought home at any time.
Work referencing specific consumers should be done on a computer where the staff member has a username and password. This password should not be shared with anyone. This includes accessing the project database, writing emails that reference specific consumers by name or ID and writing letters to specific consumers.
All staff members are expected to keep their username and email private, that is, not share it with anyone unless necessary for technical support provided by Spirit Lake Nation staff or consultants.
Each staff member should have a mobile phone, paid by the project, for use contacting consumers by phone, text or email. This phone should be retained by the staff member and not shared with anyone as it includes the history of calls and text messages.
Email not referencing a specific consumer, such as general policy questions, requests for leave, notices of available employment opportunities, scheduling orientation or other project business does not require use of project email, although it is still recommended just for record keeping purposes.