
This information is also cross-referenced under agency coordination


  • The following information  received by the project constitutes a referral:

Name, address (or method of contact), disability, referral source and date of referral. The date this information is received should be in the Project Database as the date the consumer entered referral status.  Other information recorded in the database at this time is the consumer’s ID, sex (unless unavailable), reported disability, and other information related to the database that was obtained.

  • A case file is opened at the earliest possible time following the receipt of a new referral.
  • A contact report indicating all of the above information and any other pertinent information gained in the referral contact is to be reported in the contact report.
  •  The referral contact report ends with a notation that the consumer entered referral status.  
  • Following the initial contact report, all collateral referral information contacts and all attempts to contact referral are to be reported in contact reports in the case record.  
  • To generate new referrals, VR Personnel will frequently contact referral sources and inform them of the purpose, scope and eligibility requirements of the project.


                   Upon receipt of a referral, the responsible VR counselor or other appropriate project personnel will attempt to contact the person within 21 days.  The project counselor or other appropriate project personnel will attempt to make an in-person or telephone contact with the applicant to explain VR services and find out if the person is interested in applying for such services.  If an in-person contact cannot be made, then a contact will be attempted through written correspondence.


The counselor will report to the referral sources the disposition of referred cases, if this requested by the referring agency.  Only minimal information is required, e.g. an application was completed or the person was not interested in services.  More complete information requires a release of information. If after contact the person decides not to apply for services or for some reason contact is not made with referral after several attempts then the case is closed.  A contact report needs to be made detailing the closure decision.  The date of the decision is recorded in the Project Database.  The closure is recorded as an 8 in the database.


If a person is not eligible for services, the counselor will advise that person of the availability of potential resources through other agencies.