VR Status

Status Types



When an individual becomes a vocational  rehabilitation (VR) applicant or client, the case will be moved through certain statuses. The statuses are numbers that stand for the progress of vocational rehabilitation. The following list describes what goes on during these statuses.

Status 00- Referral

This status stands for someone who is referred to a VR agency. The referrer should give SLVR agency the following information, if available:

  • First and last name
  • Social Security Number
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Sex
  • Disability
  • Phone number
  • Name of guardian, parent or legal representative, if any.

If a community member is referred, a VR agency representative, usually a VR counselor, will contact the individual within SEVEN days to make an appointment to conduct an intake interview. The interview should be scheduled within TWENTY-ONE days of the referral.

Status 02- Applicant:

During the intake interview, the VR counselor will:

• Explain VR services

• Ask questions about disability, work history, and financial status

• Inform the consumer of his/her rights

• Answer any questions the consumer may have

The consumer will then be asked to sign an application form. When he/she does so, the VR counselor will begin to gather diagnostic reports so that an eligibility decision can be made.

 Status 06 – Extended evaluation

Status 08- Closure From Previous Statuses

If the consumers case is closed from Status 00, 02 or 06,  it will be recorded in Status 08. If the consumer is ineligible for services, he/she should be notified of closure in writing

and be made aware of their right to appeal that decision . Cases with a Status 08 should have a date of closure. 

Status 10- Certified Eligible for Services:

When the consumers case is moved into status 10, it means his/her VR counselor has reviewed the diagnostic reports, reviewed his/her work history and disability, and believes VR services will help him/her reach his/her work goal. The VR counselor may collect additional diagnostics to determine what services you will need to reduce the effects of your disability and be able to work.  The VR counselor also will meet with you and begin to discuss your service plan (IPE).

 Status 12- IPE Completed

The VR counselor will meet with the consumer, and together they will write a plan that outlines the services he/she will need to reach his/her work goal. This plan is called an Individual Employment Plan. This plan will list his/her vocational goal, the services he/she will receive, costs, if any, when services will begin and end, when he/she is expected to reach his/her work goal, his/her understandings, rights, and responsibilities in terms of this plan. It is very important that the consumer agree to the conditions of the IPE. The consumer should receive a copy of this plan in writing as well as a yearly update. The IPE should be changed as needed and the consumer should be aware of the changes. It is a good idea for the consumer to save copies of his/her IPEs for his/her records.

Status 14- Counseling and Guidance Only

If the main service the consumer needs is counseling and guidance from a VR counselor, their case will be placed in Status 14. The consumer should have regular counseling sessions with their VR Counselor. The consumer’s VR counselor can provide information to him/her to help him/her:

  • Adjust to his/her disability
  • Understand his/her situation
  • Resolve problems which prevent him/her from working
  • Gather information about the job market, his/her working skills
  • Provide a supportive ear to help him/her cope with changes in your life

Status 16- Physical or Mental Restoration

Some people need medical services to reduce the effects of a disability. These services include things such as surgeries, medication, prosthetic devices, psychiatric or psychological counseling.  Whenever a physical or mental restoration service is or provided other benefits the consumer might have, like insurance, Medicare or Medicaid payments will be applied to the cost of the service. If the consumer can afford to pay or all or part of these services, he/she may be required to do so. 

Status 18- Training

When training is the consumers major service, his/her case will be placed in Status 18. Many people need job training to reenter the job market. Training may take the form of: vocational or technical school, college or university studies, and /or on-the-job training.  The length and extent of training usually depends upon the job the consumer is being trained to enter. The consumer’s VR counselor will monitor his/her training progress written reports from trainers and meeting with him/her. It is important for the consumer to communicate to his/her VR counselor any difficulties they are having with training, since they could affect the consumer’s ability to perform the job he/she is working toward. The consumer will be required to apply for any scholarships or financial aid to help pay for training. If the consumer can afford to pay for all or part of the training he/she may berequired to do so.

Status 20- Services Completed

If the consumer has received all the services listed as needed by him/her in his/her IPE but he/she is not yet working, the consumer’s case will be placed in Status 20. It is common for the VR counselor to help with a job search at this time or help the consumer with other aspects of getting a job.

Status 22- Employed

When the consumer is employed in a job, his/her case will be placed in Status 22 for 90 working days to make sure he/she is in an appropriate work setting. The VR counselor should check with the consumer and his/her employer to learn if any additional VR services are needed by him/her to perform his/her job and whether the consumer and his/her supervisor are satisfied with his/her work.  At this time you should be made aware that the consumer’s case would be closed after 90 days. The consumer may be eligible for post-employment  services at that time. Cases with a Status 22 should have a date of employment. The field for initial earnings should also be completed.

Status 24- Services Interrupted

Sometimes services are interrupted but there is a plan to begin them again. When that happens the consumer’s case will be placed in Status 24. His or her case will not be closed at that time and no services will be delivered. 

Status 26- Successful Rehabilitation:

After the consumer has been working successfully in an appropriate vocational goal for at least 90 days and do not need any additional services, his/her case will be closed as rehabilitated in Status 26. Congratulations!  Even though the consumer’s case is closed at the time, he/she may feel free to contact his/her VR counselor as needed. Cases with a Status 26 should have a date of employment and date closed entered in the database. The fields for initial earnings and earnings at closure should also be completed.

Status 28- Closure After Service Began

If the consumer’s case is closed after he/she has received at least one service planned on the IPE his/her case will be closed in Status 28. If the consumer is no longer eligible for services, he/she should receive notice of closure of his/her case in writing and be made aware of his/her right to appeal that decision. Cases with a Status 28 should have a date of closure. 

Status 30- Closure Before Services Have Begun

If the consumer’s case is closed before he/she has received at least one service planned on the IPE his/her case will be closed in Status 30. If the consumer is no longer eligible for services, he/she should receive notice of closure in writing and be made aware of his/her right to appeal that decision.

Status 32- Post Employment Services

Even after the consumer’s case is closed in Status 26 as successfully rehabilitated, he/she may need another short-term service to help him/her maintain his/her current employment. In that case, the consumer may be eligible for post-employment  services, without requiring a case is reopened. Some typical post-employment services are:

  • Wheelchair
  • Braille copy of work manual
  • Small architectural change to reduce barrier
  • Counseling or education of co-employee to understand a disability
  •  Temporary transportation to work

Cases with a Status 32 should have a date of closure that is the date of the Status 26 closure. When a consumer is receiving post-employment services, the status should be changed from 26 to 32 but the case remains closed. Note that Status 32 is for short-term services.

Status 34- Post Employment Service Closed

When the consumer has received the post-employment services planned  with him or her, the consumer’s case will be closed and recorded in Status 34. Cases with a Status 34 should have a date of closure. Since these should already have a date of closure from the Status 26, when post-employment services are completed, the status would be changed from 32 to 34 and the date of closure would be updated.