Author Archives: AnnMaria De Mars

We’re doing great: 1st Quarter Evaluation Results

Did you know we have a YouTube channel?

Yes, we do. It is one of our ways of letting consumers know about our services and progress. You can see what our evaluator had to say about us by clicking on the video below.

Watch the discussion of our latest evaluation for the latest news

If you did not know, now you know – a formative evaluation is one that happens while a program is going on so that results can be used to make the program run even better.

The 30-second summary

We are meeting or exceeding every one of our objectives, for number of tribal members with disabilities served, tribal youth served, number of tribal members with disabilities successfully placed in employment.

Watch the video for the details.

SLVR NewsletterMARCH 2023

Welcome to our new website!

AnnMaria De Mars

Our staff is taking over the website.

This week, our consultant, Dr. AnnMaria De Mars, was in town working with Spirit Lake VR staff on a new version of the website. Most importantly, we (Misty, Rick, Tara and Melissa) will now be updating the website ourselves.

This is part of our move toward having done more and more of the technical side done internally and less by outside consultants. Misty will be updating the site every week so if you have any news, events or information of interest to vocational rehabilitation consumers, please let her know at (701) 766-4446 or

Hope you like the new site. You can also comment below and let us know what you’d like to see added or just give us your ideas in general.